2021 was a busy year for ALIGHT
– 145 human trafficking survivors and their approximately 218 children/dependents have been empowered with specialized legal services to date
– $7,240 average value in legal services provided to each survivor
– $1MM + in legal value has been provided directly to survivors
– ALIGHT attorneys have provided pro bono assistance on legal cases in 30 states and Washington, DC
– 64 vetted and accomplished attorneys participate in our legal network
We use an innovative and impactful approach to achieve these results – enlisting, vetting and mobilizing attorneys to help. How? With a phone app that matches survivors’ requests for help with specialized, pro bono attorneys.
Our work becomes even more impactful as we grow with your support. Last year, for every $1 invested, survivors received $2.50 in services and resources. Now, for every $1 you invest, survivors will receive $3.50!
Demand for ALIGHT’s services is growing exponentially. Yet, we are one of the very few organizations in the country that helps survivors’ varied and multi-jurisdictional cases like child custody, debt and criminal justice advocacy.
Make a contribution to make this The Year of Love for those who just need a chance to continue to impact our world. We – and all of the survivors that we have helped – greatly appreciate your support.
Donate by Mail:
225 S Broadway #9912
Denver, CO 80209
(checks payable to “ALIGHT”)