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2021 Annual Appeal

2021 was a busy year for ALIGHT

– 145 human trafficking survivors and their approximately 218 children/dependents have been empowered with specialized legal services to date

–   $7,240 average value in legal services provided to each survivor

–   $1MM + in legal value has been provided directly to survivors

–   ALIGHT attorneys have provided pro bono assistance on legal cases in 30 states and Washington, DC

64 vetted and accomplished attorneys participate in our legal network

We use an innovative and impactful approach to achieve these results – enlisting, vetting and mobilizing attorneys to help. How? With a phone app that matches survivors’ requests for help with specialized, pro bono attorneys.

Our work becomes even more impactful as we grow with your support. Last year, for every $1 invested, survivors received $2.50 in services and resources. Now, for every $1 you invest, survivors will receive $3.50!

 Demand for ALIGHT’s services is growing exponentially. Yet, we are one of the very few organizations in the country that helps survivors’ varied and multi-jurisdictional cases like child custody, debt and criminal justice advocacy.

Make a contribution to make this The Year of Love for those who just need a chance to continue to impact our world. We – and all of the survivors that we have helped – greatly appreciate your support. 

Donate Online

Donate by Mail: 

225 S Broadway #9912
Denver, CO 80209
(checks payable to “ALIGHT”)

Make your gift go further. Schedule your donation for Colorado Gives Day 12/7 today.


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