Tips for Survivor Self-Empowerment

Tips for Survivor Self-Empowerment

Legal Needs Examples

Legal Needs Examples

Tips for Identifying Possible Human Trafficking Survivors

Tips for Identifying Possible Human Trafficking Survivors

This tip sheet includes examples of trafficking methods and red flags of human trafficking.

Tips for Spotting Survivor Legal Needs

Tips for Spotting Survivor Legal Needs

This document provides an example of how a human trafficking survivor walking through the doors of a community service provider may have multiple life challenges that are in fact legal issues – with which attorneys in the ALIGHT network can assist.

How to Connect a Survivor to Free Legal Help

How to Connect a Survivor to Free Legal Help

This document explains the process for connecting to free legal services in Colorado through ALIGHT and what to expect when the survivor calls the ALIGHT Intake Advocate Warm Line at 720-608-6039.

Tips for Survivors Working with Attorneys

Tips for Survivors Working with Attorneys

This tip sheet includes suggested questions for survivors to ask attorneys on the initial call, as well as more information about the attorney-client relationship and other resources about navigating the legal system.

ALIGHT Survivor Cards

ALIGHT Survivor Cards

Print out and share these cards with information on how survivors can reach the ALIGHT Intake Advocate Warm Line (720-608-6039) to request free legal services in Colorado.