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Summer 2022 Newsletter

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Why is #TechtoConnect important?  Technology’s central role in fighting human trafficking is being recognized with the UN theme “The Use and Abuse of Technology” for #WorldDayAgainstTrafficking….

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Winter 2021

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How can we "show love" for survivors of human trafficking? The first step is to honor survivors of trafficking by making an effort to understand...
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ALIGHT Colorado Gives Day

Fall 2020

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How are community services changing? The increased health and financial hardships of the pandemic are causing the community landscape to change. You may have noticed that...
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Wordcloud of ALIGHT Survivor Feedback

Summer 2020

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How do we get through this “trial by fire”? Like so many of us, human trafficking victims/survivors are experiencing profound changes in their lives because...
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Fall 2019

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Dear Friend, What have we learned and accomplished together? It’s time to celebrate – your support has helped human trafficking survivors on over 100 legal…

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